Dr. Thomas Hohendorf, LL.M. (King’s College London)
"You grow with your challenges. You can do it alone, but you do it even better in a team."
Dr. Thomas Hohendorf advises national and international clients in all areas of intellectual property law, competition and information technology law as well as distribution and contract law. In particular, he has extensive experience in the field of trade secret protection and IT security/cybersecurity. In addition, his practice predominantly focuses on German and European trademark law by providing strategic advice on license agreements as well as rights management and representing his clients' interests before the trademark offices, in opposition and cancellation proceedings or in court disputes. Another focus of his work is unfair competition law, where he advises on product launches or assists in seeking preliminary legal protection, inter alia.
- Law studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Universidad de Sevilla
- Postgraduate studies at the University of London, King's College (Great Britain) in the field of Intellectual Property & Information Law
- Doctorate in the field of intellectual property and know-how protection, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Legal clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeal, including positions at the Federal Chancellery, an international commercial law firm and Google Germany GmbH
- Since 2021 with SKW Schwarz
Awards & Recognitions
Handelsblatt in cooperation mit Best Lawyers: Germany's Best Lawyers 2023-24
Recommended lawyer in the category "Ones to Watch" in the field of "Intellectual Property"
- "Know-how-Schutz und Geistiges Eigentum – Ein Beitrag zur systematischen Einordnung des Geheimnisschutzes in das Recht des geistigen Eigentums", Berlin 2020, zugleich jur. Diss.
- "Digitalisierung und Know-how-Schutz – Ist die Know-how-Richtlinie ausreichend?", in: Hennemann/Sattler, Immaterialgüter und Digitalisierung, Baden-Baden 2017
- "The judicial and extrajudicial enforcement of patient’s rightsThe judicial and extrajudicial enforcement of patient’s rights", in: Botta/Armbrüster, Law and medicine – Current topics in a German and Italian perspective, Neapel (IT) 2017
- "Die Privilegierung gemeinnützigen Handelns im Privatrecht", JZ 2017, S. 221–229 (zusammen mit Univ.-Prof. Armbrüster)
- "Rechtsfragen des Fotografierens von Kulturgütern", KUR 2016, S. 3–11 (zusammen mit Univ.-Prof. Armbrüster)