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Our membership in the international TerraLex network guarantees the best possible advice for our clients at any time, seamlessly, worldwide.

You benefit from this twice: You receive even more competence and can rely on us to represent your interests wherever necessary. Quickly, consistently and successfully. We call this: networked action for sustainable results. Our clients call it: Typical SKW Schwarz!

About Terralex

TerraLex is one of the largest networks of legal professionals. Featuring more than 150 firms, it is represented in more than 100 countries and connects more than 19,000 lawyers worldwide. High quality standards and regular reviews entail that only highly recognized law firms become and remain members. SKW Schwarz has been a TerraLex member for almost 20 years. Global and regional conferences, held several times a year, bring about intense exchange and quality control. For us, membership in this closely cooperating network is the better way than maintaining our own offices abroad: if you have an office in Paris, Moscow or Sydney, you will always use it for client enquiries - but it does not necessarily have to be the most suitable. We are free of such self-interests and work in special matters with law firms outside our network if we consider them more suitable in a specific case.

More about TerraLex