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INTA – 141st Annual Meeting

Panel mit Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hildebrandt zum Thema „How to Fit the AI in TM: Keeping Up With the Joneses and the Jetsons“ im Rahmen des 141st Annual Meeting der INTA in Boston (USA)

There was a time span of 65 years between the first man in flight and the first man on the moon. In the last six years, the legal technology space has exploded, from the early days of the implementation of basic machine learning to the more mainstream application of artificial intelligence (AI) today. The rate of innovation in today’s technology-driven world is exponential and unavoidable. 

The number of legal technology companies employing AI increased by more than 65 percent in 2018 alone, and only a handful of these cater to the trademarks and brands industry. As the volume of new tools and technology available on the market continues to increase, what does all of this tech and AI talk mean for trademark professionals? 

Short answer: AI will impact more than the day-to-day work of trademark and branding professionals. 

Topics the panel will explore include:

  • What is AI? How is it defined and how does it look in the world?
  • How does/will AI impact day-to-day legal practice?
  • What type of legal tools are out there for the advancement of employing AI?
  • What’s the promise of this new technology? 
  • What is the changing landscape for marketing and selling goods and services, and how are marketing clients grappling with new ways brands will be presented to consumers?
  • Will AI replace trademark professionals?
  • How will our industry and its value to business change with AI?
  • What are new best practices in an AI-driven world?

Tiffany Valeriano, Corsearch (Germany) 

Nicole Arbiv, LawGeex (Israel)
Ulrich Hildebrandt, SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwaelte (Germany)
Makalika Naholowaa, Microsoft Corporation (United States)
Michael Edward Williams, Brandsymbol (United States)