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Green Claims and Greenwashing: Navigating the upcoming EU Directive

11. Juni 2024, Stockholm

Welcome to a seminar on Green Claims and Greenwashing: Navigating the upcoming EU Directive

This breakfast seminar aims to provide comprehensive insights regarding the possibility to rely on environmental claims in marketing from both German and Swedish legal and business perspectives. The seminar is arranged by Vinge in cooperation with SKW Schwarz.

The program will include:

  • Overview of the upcoming EU legislation
  • Legal perspectives on green claims and greenwashing in Germany and Sweden
  • Best practices for compliance and risk mitigation

Attendance is complimentary, but please RSVP by 6th of June to secure your place.

Wer Sie erwartet

Daniel Kendziur
SKW Schwarz

Dr. Daniel Kendziur


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Malin Malm Warme

Malin Malm Warme

Partner, Vinge

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Åsa Hellstadius

Åsa Hellstadius

IP Expert, Vinge

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